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We Have Seen His Glory

Christmas Carol: Lullay My Liking

Human Weakness and the Strength of a Baby

by Corbin Hoornbeek

On most days, we envision Christ the Messiah as our risen and triumphant Lord. Jesus, who was crucified, dead, buried, and raised to life, now reigns at the right hand of God the Father. We who claim the name of Christ the King as our Lord and Savior, stand steadfast and secure in His completed work on the cross.

During Advent, however, a pilgrimage takes place in our hearts and in our minds as we journey through the Scriptures, returning to that manger scene where the King was embraced in the tenderness of a young mother's arms, where the eternal God became an infant and placed Himself in the care and comfort of a family.

"God's ways are not our ways," the prophet Isaiah reminds us, and "His thoughts are higher than our thoughts." Though He is beyond comprehension, He is not beyond understanding. Mary wondered, Joseph worried, angels worshiped, and shepherds marveled at the heavens as carols and choruses filled the night sky. Everything was familiar, but nothing would ever be the same.

This carol invites you and me to come close, to step into the stable, and to share in the birth of our Savior. We know the end of the story, but set that aside for a few moments. Pretend you do not know how it all turns out. This Advent season, take the journey with Joseph and Mary along the dusty, dirty road from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Sit in the stable, smell the smells, listen to the laughter, join the conversation, ask the questions, and wonder again – maybe for the first time in a long time.

A few weeks ago, I held a newborn baby. My kids are all teenagers, so it had been a while. I cradled the baby's head in my hand aware that I had to provide the support in the absence of his own strength. The entrance of Jesus into our world and His embrace of humanity, reminds me of my own human weakness and the vacancy in my heart that only Christ can fill. This Christmas, take the journey all the way to the stable and worship the King.

Click the play button above to hear "Lullay My Liking" performed by DBU Chamber Singers

Recording Engineer: Quincy Roan | Traditional English Carol | Arranged by: A Robert H. Young

Corbin Hoornbeek, Vice President for University Advancement at Azusa Pacific University, is a current Ph.D. in Leadership Studies student with a concentration in Higher Education at Dallas Baptist University.

The DBU Chamber Singers is a university vocal ensemble that specializes in the performance of music intended for smaller vocal groups.

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