pine tree with pine cone close up
pine tree with pine cone close up

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

Fulfilling a Promise Regardless

by Dr. Blake Killingsworth

Today's Reading

Genesis 3

Shame. Embarrassment. Hopelessness. Sorrow.

Can you imagine the avalanche of emotions Adam and Eve felt as they stood in front of their Maker?

Prior to that time, they knew an unending fellowship with God. They lived the life they were created to live. No pain, no tears, no trials.

Yet in one moment, they allowed the serpent to deceive them, and they believed the lie that God somehow had withheld something good from them. They traded in fellowship with God in order to become their own gods. And they lost.

What is interesting to note is that even if their emotions proved to be all over the map, the only one that we see in the text is defiance. Adam starts the blame game: “The woman you put here with me did it.” Wow. Simultaneously blaming your wife and blaming God. Bold choice with that, Adam.

And then Eve goes for the logical one to blame, the serpent. “He deceived me. I ate.”

Do you catch even a hint of repentance in these exchanges? No, not really.

Surely they were internally struggling with what to think or feel, but externally, at that moment, they put up a united front – it isn’t my fault that this happened.

This response on the part of Adam and Eve is what makes God’s judgment all the more amazing.

We see the judgment for Adam and Eve – living by the sweat of the brow, labor pains, struggle, and trials – and we also see the punishment for the serpent – crawling on the belly and eating dust.

Yet in the middle of the judgment is a beautiful promise. God explains that the offspring of the woman will crush the head of the serpent; all that the serpent could possibly do is strike a heel. Although in many ways, this is indicative of the current relationship between man and snakes, the ultimate fulfillment in these words comes between Satan and Christ.

Even in this moment of disappointment and righteous anger, God looked past their defiance and told them about the ultimate victory that He will have over Satan. God pointed to the gift of salvation that was to come.

So what does this scene have to do with Advent? First, it sets forth the story of the battle that will take place throughout the pages of Scripture as Satan continually attempts to thwart the plans of God, tapping into the nature of sinful men. But the battle, even from the outset, was already won as God promises that a Savior would be wounded for our transgressions, but He would ultimately crush Satan under His feet. God told us even at the moment of the Fall that the Messiah was coming.

Second, it reminds us of how gracious a God we serve. How many times have you actively rebelled against Him? You knew better. You understood what the right path was and what was the wrong path, but you decided, like Adam and Eve, to become your own god.

Do you understand that even in the midst of your sin, even prior to your repentance, God is actively making a way of salvation for you?

As we look forward to the gift of Christmas, be comforted that no matter what you do, no matter how you have sinned, God is ready to show you the path that He has already put into place. We don’t have to wait in line for restoration. We don’t have to hope that it might one day arrive. God is actively working for His glory in your life, and Advent reminds us that even though we may not fully see what restoration looks like, it is coming.

He has promised, and He will deliver.

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