Testimonials From Working Adults Like You

The Professional Studies degrees seek to make working adults feel welcome here at DBU. Learn from fellow working adults why they chose DBU to complete their bachelor's degree and how their DBU experience has impacted their lives.

CFNI Graduate | DBU Alumni

Amanda Ferreira

Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Master of Arts in Professional Counseling

“One thing DBU has certainly done for me is given me more of a hunger and thirst for knowledge and education like never before. The more I learn the more I want to know, and I feel like this is a great place to do that.”

Veteran | DBU Alumni

Scott Williamson III

Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies, Specializations: Psychology, Kinesiology

“Having your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and the love and the warmth and the support that they give you, as well as the professors, has been instrumental in making me feel at home and continuing my education here.”

DBU Alumni

Jay Tillerson

Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies, Specializations: Business Administration, Criminal Justice

“Coming back to school in my early 40s, I was concerned that I was going to be the old man in the classroom, and there were several classes that I was, but I never felt that way."

CFNI Graduate | DBU Alumni

Titus Novacovici

Bachelor of Business Studies in Business Administration

“My favorite moment I think was the moment I first stepped in the chapel to see 3,000+ students coming together with one thing in their mind: to praise the Lord."