United Kingdom

Long-Term Academic Trip

May & June, 2025

With an emphasis placed on health and biology, students will experience hands-on learning in the bustling and historically rich city of London. Explore all that the UK has to offer and immerse yourself in the culture of Great Britain through local travel to significant sites and locations. Students will have the chance not only to take DBU classes but also to learn more about life in the United Kingdom and experience the culture and history of the UK first-hand. 


Where You Will Go

  • London, England, and surrounding areas

Classes Offered on Trip

  • Upper-Level Biology Courses with Dr. Jonathan Cooper and Dr. Debra Hinson

Trip Cost

Approx. $3,575 Trip Fee (Early Bird Fee) + Tuition

*Students will be responsible for arranging their own flights to and from London at their own cost. We find that this gives students the freedom to stay over after the official end of the study abroad experience for additional sightseeing in London or other parts of Europe.