Beyond the Five-Paragraph Essay
The purpose of this workshop is to explain the importance and application of the five-paragraph essay in extended written projects such as research papers.
Even though you may need more than five paragraphs to adequately compose your essay, you should still follow the basic format as the five-paragraph essay.
- The introduction for a 10-page research paper should still be formatted in the same way as the five-paragraph essay intro.
- The introduction includes all the background information to properly introduce the subject to the reader.
- It should end with your thesis statement which should include at least three major points of focus in your essay.
- Do not let your thesis become a list of things. If necessary, try to narrow them down to fit them into sub-categories of each other.
- Each body paragraph should have a central point on which to focus.
- The topic sentences should introduce your point so you can further explain it in the rest of the body. After explaining your point, you may need evidence, support, or research to uphold your idea.
- The paragraphs need to flow with each other. Be sure to make the last sentence of the paragraph relate or lead into the first sentence of the next paragraph (its topic sentence).
- Along with maintaining flow, each of the main points should have an equal number of paragraphs. For example, if Point 1 has 3 paragraphs of focus then Point 2, 3, and so on should have the same amount of description.
- Your conclusion should wrap up all of the main points that you discussed in your essay. Do not try to include every single detail about the points in this paragraph, only the main ideas.
- Restate the thesis and conclude your topic.