Genuine Community

"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." – Proverbs 27:17

At DBU, we believe God created us to live in a community.

Community is Scriptural

The Scriptures consistently stress this idea of community—the command to maintain fellowship with one another, strive for unity, and love one another. Genesis tells us God, at the dawn of creation, believed it was not good for man to live alone, so He created woman. Moreover, God maintained consistent communion with Adam and Eve as they walked in the Garden together (Genesis 2).

headshot of Natasha Vasquez
"My experience at DBU impacted my walk with Christ in that it was one of the first times in my life where I was surrounded by believers who were walking with the Lord daily. This transformed my relationship with Christ from something I knew in my mind to something I desired and pursued every day."
- Natasha Vasquez, Alumna '23

Community is in the DNA of Humanity

Whether you are an introvert, an extrovert, an art lover, or a sports fanatic, we thrive when we have others who stand alongside us to support, encourage, and guide us. In this sense, the 17th-century English poet John Donne summed it up well when he stated, "No man is an island entire of itself."

This vision of Biblically mandated community as well as the practical benefits of fellowship drive DBU's focus on Genuine Community.

Community is More Than a Catchphrase at DBU

DBU students find support for their studies in the DBU Family. Whether you are right out of high school, an adult student returning to finish your degree, a graduate student looking to expand your career, or a doctoral student looking for new ways to lead, you will find a place at DBU.

headshot of hannah Halverson
"If it weren't for the staff and faculty members on this campus being faithful in their own walks with Christ and investing in me, I honestly do not know where I would be. It has truly taught and inspired me to know what faithfulness looks like in an inward and outward capacity."
- Hannah Halverson, Alumna '24

DBU Students

DBU students find caring mentors, challenging faculty, and supportive peers. All are there to ensure they become all they can be—all God intends for them to be.

DBU Graduates

DBU's graduates leave University Hill with the skills they need to succeed and belong to the DBU Family that spans generations and circles the globe, all for the glory of God.

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