Cook School of Leadership Webinars

The Gary Cook School of Leadership hosts various webinars throughout the semester on selected leadership topics. The recorded webinars may be viewed below by clicking on the image.

Cultivating Culture: The Role of Leadership in Shaping Workplace Culture

Cultivating Connection Graphic


Featuring DBU Alumni, Dr. Tempress Asagba, Dr. Amanda McElroy, and Dr. David Reyes.

Presidential Power: Leadership Styles in the White House

Presidential Power Graphic


Featuring DBU Alumni Dr. Joshua Longmire & Dr. Brent Taylor and DBU Dean & Professor Dr. Jack Goodyear. 

Quiet Strength: Leading with Confidence as an Introvert

Cultivating Connection Graphic


Featuring DBU Alumni Dr. Felecia Stepney, Dr. Mario Stresow, and CSL Dean, Dr. Blake Killingsworth.

The Virtuous Leader: Inspiring Ethics, Purpose, and Impact

The Virtuous Leader


Featuring CSL Faculty Dr. Mark Cook, Dr. Mary Nelson, Dr. Michael Whiting, and moderated by CSL Dean, Dr. Blake Killingsworth.

Leadership in Action Series

The Leadership in Action series features DBU alumni as they explore leadership in their respective vocational contexts. 

From PhD to University President
 From PhD to University President


Featuring DBU PhD Alumni, Dr. Cory Hines (President of Howard Payne University), Dr. Corbin Hoornbeek (President of the University of Northwestern, St. Paul), and Dr. Adam Wright (President of Dallas Baptist University).