College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr. Jack Goodyear, Dean
Dr. Michelle Henry, Associate Dean
Believing that the basis of a quality higher education in the liberal arts relies upon a solid foundation in the humanities and social sciences, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences offers courses that provide all university students, regardless of major, a broad foundation in the traditional liberal arts. Encompassing a variety of courses in a core curriculum of General Studies requirements.
Why DBU?
"Seeing God work in students' lives in, and out of, the classroom is what I am most passionate about."
- Dr. Karen Alexander, Teaches English and Spanish Courses
Undergraduate Majors
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences offers a number of undergraduate degrees in language, society, and human behavior including Criminal Justice, English, History, Political Science, Politics/Philosophy & Economics, Psychology, Sociology, and Spanish. These areas can be pursued as a Bachelor of Arts, and many of them, as a Bachelor of Science.
Accelerated Degrees
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences provides accelerated bachelor's and master’s degrees in various areas of study.
Additional Programs
In addition to our majors, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences also offers a Modern Languages program and works directly with the ROTC program.